Category Archives: To MJ Respect is due

Sony/MJ Estate V TeamMichaelJackson/Complaint+CounterClaim

UPDATE!John Branca via Sony filed a bogus DMCA Copyright claim against us for using a MJ image as our back ground image on twitter, We filed counter Claim, They had 14 days to serve us with court papers. They have … Continue reading

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Betrayal From Within – John Branca HTWF

By To MJ Respect Is Due There has been much controversy surrounding the Heal The World Foundation and its operator Melissa Johnson.  In regards to the events that led to her losing the charity and all its assets including over … Continue reading

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Letter from John G Branca(MJEstate) RE: Juliens/Bush Forgeries

      Here is the letter we sent to John Branca, Darren Julien and Michael Lee Bush, we have not had a reply from Juliens or Bush. Brancas reply, Via OnLineTeam is below! To which we have sent 2nd … Continue reading

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Open Letter to John Branca. RE: Forgeries/Juliens Auctions/Michael Bush.

      By:-  LOYAL 2 MJ – To MJ Respect is due   Today we at TeamMichaelJackson are sending certified letters to Darren Julien and John Branca. Supporters of Truth and Justice are invited to either fax or email this … Continue reading

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Attention Winning Bidder of the Michael Bush Julien’s Auction

    By:- To MJ Respect is due   Michael Bush’s sale of Michael’s Legacy at Julien’s Auction House concluded on December 2nd 2012, grossing a little over 5 million dollars; over a million and a half of that was … Continue reading

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AEG’s Latest Attempt To Derail The Inevitable

    By:- To MJ Respect is due   The latest filing by AEG attorneys is yet another attempt to delay trial for the wrongful death suit Mrs. Jackson has brought against them. AEG have no defense; there case is … Continue reading

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Legal Woes For AEG Continues…..

        My:- To MJ Respect is due AEG has been going through some serious legal issues since the beginning of the summer. They say that what goes around comes around, well apparently AEG’s times has come around. … Continue reading

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Since when does a Designer have ownership of the employer’s property upon death???

    BY: Loyal2MJ Michael Jackson hired Dennis Tompkins and Michael Bush for a service to design and deliver end items (costumes/outfits) for him. He (MJ) paid them (Tompkins/Bush) quite well for a service, both a designer fee and for … Continue reading

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Michael Jackson V Darren Julien-Juliens Auctions-Fraud!

      MJ Respect is due Back in 2009, Dr. Tohme-Tohme Michael’s then manager sieged all the possessions of Neverland and gave them to Darren Julien to be auctioned off. As the one with power of attorney, Tohme negotiated … Continue reading

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They are all in on this together- John Branca-Juliens Auction- Michael Bush

      By:  Loyal2MJ It would not be possible for Juliens Auctions to sell Michael Iconic costumes without the support from John Branca!!!! THEY ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER….PLANNED IT FROM BEGINNING…!!!   All Articles at:   All … Continue reading

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    By:- To MJ Respect is due Part 2 In previous blogs we’ve often said that Michael was used by the entertainment industry to be its battery and his record breaking sales has saved the industry that betrayed him, … Continue reading

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Bush, Spike Lee the Estate Bad 25….Let’s Deal With It

  By:- To MJ Respect is due     Everyone seems to make money off of Michael Jackson except for Michael himself and his family. The businessmen of the world along with the entertainment industry have long since used Michael … Continue reading

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John Branca/McClain-Darren Julien Fiasco!

        Fraud claim – Michael Jackson V Darren Julien Auctions     MICHAEL JACKSON V DARREN JULIEN, JULIENS AUCTION Declaration  in Support of Michael Jackson v Darren Julien   By:- To MJ Respect is due We … Continue reading

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STOP!! Michael Jackson’s Costumes Auction

        UPDATE:- CATALOG WEBSITE FOR BROWSING, However, WON’T BE OPEN FOR VIEWING UNTIL AFTER EXHIBITION ON NOV 4th (YOU KNOW all the greedys have to each get their share of $$$$$$$!!!) Catalog is $75.00. whereas the actual … Continue reading

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John Branca & Co. Some Key Facts!

  By:- To MJ Respect is due *My comments are in italics and parenthesis* Breaking it all down for you, in bullet points. Original documents posted here:- Joseph-Jackson-s-Ofjection-to-Appointment-of-John-Branca-and-John-Mcclain-as-Executors-of-the-Estate-of-Michael-Jackson A few reasons why the validity of Michael’s Will is in question: … Continue reading

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“Never Can Say Goodbye” Mrs Jackson

    By:-To MJ Respect is due   The estate as we know owns everything Michael…his likeness, his sound, his possessions and his money. After Michael was killed, his family was not allowed to have any of his belongings, they … Continue reading

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John Branca Reponse to vanity Fair-Randall Sullivan

      By:- To MJ Respect is due   If you just sit back and allow a person or group to speak, they reveal themselves each and every time. The most recent statement from the estate is doing just … Continue reading

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The Calculating John Branca

      By:- To MJ Respect is due   An article from California Business Law dated March 21st 1994 titled “Best In The West”, gives more insight into the sorted history of John Branca. It talks about how Branca … Continue reading

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Lloyds of London Has Got Some Explaining To Do

        By:- To MJ Respect is due In September of 2012, AEG dropped its death claim against Lloyds of London, the insurance company that had partially insured the This Is It tour. Because Michael never made it … Continue reading

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A tangled web weaved by the Estate and AEG

        By:- To MJ Respect is due The litigation between AEG and Lloyds of London is a waste of Michael’s money; this money could be placed into the Michael Jackson Family Trust for Michael’s Mom and Children. … Continue reading

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The Prince of Darkness John Branca

  By:- To MJ Respect Is Due In an article last year for “Californian Lawyer” John Branca talked out the side of his braggadocios ass about Michael, the estate he stole and of course Sony/ATV. The more you listen to … Continue reading

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RETWEET @JackieJackson5 @titojackson5 @Marlon_Jackson @jermjackson5 @Jacksons #AEG COMPLETE #BOYCOTT #unitytour

            By: To MJ Respect Is Due   DO NOT BUY ANY TICKETS FOR THIS EVENT, DONATE THE MONEY TO CHILDREN’S CHARITY INSTEAD!           LiveNation were selling tickets for this event … Continue reading

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John Branca Conflict of Interest!

    By:- To MJ Respect Is Due     In late 2002 Michael was sued for breach of contract by concert promoter Marcel Avram for a series of concerts called the Millennium Concerts that were to take place in … Continue reading

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Why would Janet Jackson attempt to take Paris Jackson’s phone?

    By:- AnnaVincent96   This question has been posed quite a bit in the past several days. It implies that, by attempting to take Paris’s phone from her, her aunt was attempting to hide/cover up/prevent her from telling the … Continue reading

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The courageous Jackson Family!

      By:- To MJ Respect is due   Something has been on mind I’d like to address this. While trying to figure out the less than obvious, reasons why the Jackson family has been made out to be … Continue reading

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John Branca Is A Judas Not A Savior

    By To MJ Respect is Due   Today news broke that Michael Jackson’s estate will be totally debt free by the end of the year. It’s been reported that Michael’s debt was somewhere in the range of $400 … Continue reading

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Truth V John Branca continues…

      By To MJ Respect is Due We now have the face of John McClain and I want to thank whoever you are again, for reaching out with the face of this elusive demon. Remember we hold anonymity … Continue reading

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John McClain conflicts of interests

  By:- To MJ Respect is due! John McClain conflicts of interests he has credits on many of Michael’s songs…. that he will receive royalties for while he works for the estate. he also charges the estate which is … Continue reading

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Co-Demon of The Michael Jackson Estate Revealed: John McClain

      By To MJ Respect Is Due     We have spent so much time on John Branca that it appears that we have forgotten that there are two fraudulent executors of the Michael Jackson estate; we here … Continue reading

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Michael Jackson the “Angel”

      A Note to Michael June 25th 2012 By To MJ Respect is due I must stay anonymous as I will not let anything or anyone get in my way. Pertinent reasons why will become clear throughout this … Continue reading

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Howard Weitzman- Doris Duke milt-billon-dollar Estate

  UPDATE:- PLEASE SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM, WE HAVE RECOVERED CORTNEYS TWEETS   By To MJ Respct Is Due     Michael Jackson’s murder has a familiar ring to a murder that took place in California, 19 years ago in … Continue reading

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The fraudulent John Branca

  By To MJ Respect Is Due     After Michael’s death in June 2009, John Branca and AEG laid claim against insurer for the This Is It concerts, Lloyds of London. John Branca and AEG wanted to get paid … Continue reading

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Truth VS John Branca

Truth VS John Branca   By To MJ Respect Is Due April 24th 2012     Joseph Jackson father of Michael Jackson has found himself in a very sensitive situation. Still grieving the loss of his son Michael, back on … Continue reading

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