As you are all aware TeamMichaelJackson has been harassed for the past THREE YEARS by Michael Jackson estate executors. You can see the History here
Since bogus complaints from WebSheriff against our website we have changed servers. The servers we are now using are not easily intimated by WS, so they have targeted our Youtube account again. We had already lost one youtube account which attracted hundreds of thousands of views and thousands of subscriber, which contained NO copyright material.
These Youtube accounts contained many important videos consisting of news, video depositions and other Justice videos.
Their latest “Copyrights” claim is so ridiculous it would be funny if it was not for the fact our work for Michael has been effected.. The video they claim violates Sony/Epic/MJ estate copyrights is a radio interview of Randy Phillips ….
We would like to remind WS – MJ Estate – Sony – Epic, bogus copyright complaints carry a huge risk for them!!!!! Their numerous complaints would cost the estate HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars if we were to sue. What a way to waste money that belongs to estate beneficiaries NOT the executors!!
We have chosen NOT to post a link to the interview posted by other users, as WS will just have those removed too. You can search youtube with the title above to see it yourself.