We at TeamMichaelJackson rarely endorse books about Michael Jackson. We didn’t endorse any of the Jackson family books because we are not interested in Michaels “private” life. Our mission has always been one thing, and that is to bring you the truth about his murder…..
You have a good idea what this site is about.. We only delve into corners of Michaels life that YOU HAVE NOT HEARD OR SEEN BEFORE… THAT ARE HIDDEN TRUTHS you were never meant to know….
Without too much to do, lets get to the point, you have been our viewers for some time, we do check the traffic to this site monthly, we thank and appreciate the thousands of “returning” readers as well as the “new”. And those that find themselves here whilst searching for other terms, Yes we see you too… THANK YOU/ We ask you to follow our recommendation in reading this book.
We have great pleasure introducing you to, please support, SHARE and purchase, i believe portions of the proceeds are going to a Michael Jackson charity,, But chck with the author to confirm.
Thank you..
OH, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE, W do hope its filled with LOVE, PEACE AND HAPPINESS <<<< Things we take for granted, that does not cost a dime..
Pass it on… For the NY lets really do something GRAND in Michael’s memory. You don’t have to tweet about it, post pics, or spend a dime, YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT,,, JUST DO IT,,, “Make a small space, then make it a better place.” I PROMISE YOU YOU WILL FEEL SO HAPPY AND LIGHT no matter what your circumstances are,, And it begins with just a smile,, just smile at one other person.. Its so simple we forget how to..
God Bless
“Syl Mortilla has a remarkable and uncanny understanding of Michael Jackson that I do not see in any other… his writing is the blood pulsing from Michael’s heart to all of his fans… Michael’s life spoke, and Syl Mortilla was listening.”
– Karen Faye, Michael Jackson’s confidante of three decades
The First Book of Michael by Syl Mortilla – OUT NOW!
A percentage of proceeds from the book are being donated to the registered not-for-profit charity, Michael Jackson’s Legacy.
Click on the link below to get your copy!
Syl Mortilla’s Michael Jackson biography is now available on Amazon, priced $7.77: http://amzn.to/1xIZmoW